No Surprises Act


The Federal No Surprises Act is effective as of January 1, 2022.

Part of this act stipulates that anyone who will not be using their insurance benefits, or does not have insurance benefits, is entitled to request a Good Faith Estimate, which outlines the estimated costs of counseling.

The main objective of the Federal No Surprises Act is to increase rate transparency and reduce the likelihood that clients receive a “surprise” medical bill. This is achieved by requiring that providers inform clients of their expected charge for a service before the service is provided. Behavioral health care providers are required by law to give uninsured and self-pay clients a good faith estimate of costs for services  when the client requests an estimate.

Dagny Counseling provides you with the cost of services prior to engaging in your first session.  However, if you would like a formal Good Faith Estimate (GFE), you have the right to request one and that the law requires that this GFE will become part of your medical record.

You can learn more about the No Surprises Act here: